
Category: UncategorizedPage 40 of 78

Video Gamer Cake Toppers

I’m really fond of couples that play videogames together. I personally like to have my wife watching my back in Borderlands or Halo. The couples here each chose…

Khadorans with Kelly Green detailing

It has been a while since I posted up an army like this one. I painted them some time ago, and hadn’t gotten around to posting up photos…

Cake Topper Combat in Such Fancy Dresses

Here are a few cake toppers that I finished just a little while ago. One of the things I match on my clients is their clothing. While traditional…

Wyrd’s Angelica

Here’s an Arcanist showgirl of Malifaux that I painted a little while ago. She’s quite a nice mini, and I rather enjoyed her. She fits in well with…

Fantasy RPG Gamer Cake Topper

I met my wife at a weekly D&D group, so I’m always happy to see awesome geeks find one another. Here is a cake topper I made for…

Wyrd Latigo Posse

Here are a few of the Latigo minis from Malifaux. These are all form their older metal range of miniatures, and the bases are scratch-built.

Steampunk Cake Topper Couple

I’m pretty fond of the whole Steampunk genre, so I jumped at the opportunity to create this couple. They’re both fond of bow hunting as well, but specifically…

Exodite Wraithguard

Here are a few minis I painted a little while ago for an Exodite force. The idea here was to make the wraithguard look worn and old. To…

After the Zombie Apocalyspe- Cake Topper Couples

Here are a few couples that won’t let a little thing like the Zombie Apocalypse ruin their big day- even if they’ve contracted the zombie plague: This last…

Wildspace Gabe and Fleshreaper

Here is my version of the Wildspace Gabe- a Penny Arcade crossover for Relic Knights. I painted up the cape with a brocade pattern to practice a technique…