
Category: UncategorizedPage 47 of 78

Dressed Down grooms

The tuxedo is definitely wonderful apparel, but it isn’t always suited to every situation. As an example, here are some cake toppers I’ve done with less formal wear…

Ar Finel

This Studio McVey mini was quite intimidating to paint. I am always in awe of the sculpting talent of Jacques Alexandre Gillois, but sometimes the details he’s able…

Super Dungeon Pumpkin Patch

Well, I’ve been spending quite a bit of my hobby time with Super Dungeon Explore minis, and I’ve got a few more to show off. My wife painted…

Pulp City new edition on Kickstarter

For those of you who haven’t seen them before, Pulp City has a pretty groovy range of super hero minis. They’ve been around for quite a while, and…

Gamers make great spouses

I’ve had quite a few cake toppers over time that express a couple’s interests in videogames. And I’d like to share a few with you. We’ll start out…

Fairy Riding a Turtle

This is a mini that started life as a resin statue. I’ve done a few of these, and I find that they can turn out pretty nice. For…

Charsaug, Colossal Magma Dragon

A few years ago, I decided to run an Iron Kingdoms D20 campaign in which our characters were all epic giants (from Bemoth) who were fighting against the…

Mega Man Miniatures Board Game on Kickstarter

Ok, I’m a huge fan of the Chibi miniatures that we’ve been seeing from Soda Pop and Impact! I really love painting them up- the style is so…

Blood Bowl Minotaur Conversion

Here is a Games Workshop Minotaur mini that I converted to play Blood Bowl. The colors match the rest of the Chaos team he plays with. Here he…

Swords at weddings/in the Zombie Apocalyspe

The theme today seems to be swords. I have a few friends who had swords at their weddings (it is traditional to arm the best man, to warn…