
Category: UncategorizedPage 54 of 78

Privateer Press is a little popular at the con…

So, most of you probably already knew that Gencon was the pre-release for Privateer Press‘ new Level 7 board game, the new guargantuans, and the Iron Kingdoms RPG…

New Super Dungeon Expansion minis revealed

I think the guys at Sodapop never expected their stuff to get so big. Their current Kickstarter project is soon going to outstretch its second map of stretch…

Pathfinder has all their fan bases covered

The Paizo booth at Gencon was buzzing along pretty solidly anytime I walked by. So much Pathfinder stuff for people to see. One interesting note was that Reaper…

Gencon Painting Awards

Well, I’m back from Gencon, and every year it takes me a little while to get through all of the blogging that I want to do. This year…

Harlequin Titan

Some of my favorite painting projects are the large resin miniatures- like the ones from Forge World, or the new ones coming out of Privateer Press. This is…

Relic Knights has a new Kickstarter

Ok, this time of year must be Kickstarter season. Sodapop Miniatures has just started up a new Kickstarter to turn their Relic Knights line into a full game….

It’s not always about the zombies

Most of my clients who want cake toppers look at the collection of zombies and zombie survivors and say “I’d like something like that.” Which is fine. I…

Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Anyone who wasn’t convinced that Kickstarter and Indiegogo had changed miniatures gaming with Zombicide, OGRE and Sedition War, well… you’re about to see one that hits home for…

Sodapop Posts up Steampunk Mario

Ok, they originally called him a Dwarven Spelunker, and now they’re calling him a Starguild Sapper. It doesn’t matter, since I’m either going to call him Mario, Luigi…

Couples vs. Zombies

You know, back when I first started making wedding cake toppers, I really had no idea how many people there were out there who, like me, think that…