
Category: UncategorizedPage 61 of 78

Reaper Releases Lunch Boxes!

Ok, maybe they aren’t just lunch boxes, but now if you buy any reaper box set, they’ll come in their very own egg-crate filled carrying case . Basically,…

How’s Wyrd?

Wyrd miniatures has earned their reputation for great miniatures.  Sure, they have stiff competition for the best minis out there, but they have earned a place as one…

More Cake Toppers and Zombies

Those of you who have been following me for a while will know that I offer a service to create custom wedding cake toppers.  And they’re always some…

Worn Leather

I often get compliments on the ways that I paint worn brown leather.  It is actually a fairly easy process. First, you need some way of getting a…

Instant Mold

I found this out from Coolminiornot.  They’ve just started selling stuff they’re calling Instant Mold. Apparently, this stuff is sculpable like green stuff, but it become maleable when…

Studio McVey has a gutsy range of minis

Honestly, looking through the Studio McVey line, you’ll find all sorts of minis that are meant for painting and nothing else.  Mike and Ali McVey know what great…

Armorcast Warhound Titan

I recently got a pretty outstanding commission to paint up a Warhound Titan made by Armorcast.  Armorcast did official Games Workshop miniatures before Forgeworld took over their position. …

Space Hulk Brood Lord

I’ve had my own Space Hulk set for over a year now.  Like all painters, I have way too many projects in the works. So here is the…

Magnus in Hazard Stripes

I’ve been working on a Magnus the Traitor battlegroup for a little while now, and it has been going pretty well.  This project started when I just wanted…

Warmachine Battle Engines

This week, Privateer Press announced that they’ll be previewing a new kind of model for Warmachine:  the Battle Engine. So far, the only thing we know about these…