
Category: UncategorizedPage 64 of 78

Malifaux Halloween Scenarios

The guys at Wyrd miniatures have been giving us creepy miniature for a while now. But this year, they have a new way to celebrate Halloween.  They’ve released…

Eldrad’s still got it after all of these years

I first became interested in wargamming when I was much younger.  I was a little intimidated by Warhammer 40,000 because all you could buy was the book.  I…

New Monsterpocalypes Greens

There’s been a bit of hubub surrounding Monsterpocalypse lately.  After the release of the Voltron two player game over the summer, it seems they haven’t slowed down.  They…

Pale Assassin

While I was at Gencon, one sculptor asked me whether I knew where to find the very best faces on any range of miniatures.  My first thoughts went…

Cryx Battlegroup

My wife started playing Warmachine a while ago.  It turns out that she really loves the undead in all varieties, so her choice to play Cryx was easy….

Strangest Concept Mini Ever

Ok, I have seen a lot of odd minis in my time.  Miniatures sculptors, like all artists, are an odd bunch and really like to push away from…

New Patrick Keith Elves

Yes, all of you Blood Bowl fans out there should know the Impact Miniatures line pretty well.  For the past decade or so, they’ve been doing more for…

Rogue Trader RPG characters

I have to say, I’ve been very impressed by the way that Fantasy Flight has treated their license to create Warhammer 40,000 role playing games. From the brilliant…

Good, the battle is open for playtesting

The guys over at Project Good have been working on a miniatures game system that incorporates every miniature you could possibly own. It would seem that your two…

Dynamic Colors

When I first started painting miniatures, I had a hard time with color recipes.  Early on, I found an issue of White Dwarf with some of the old…