As part of a fundraiser to help start up Tu Publishing, we painted up and auctioned off a few of our minis painted in very different color schemes.

I’m glad to say the fundraiser was a huge success, thanks to the very many people who donated through Kickstarter for making Tu Publishing a reality.

Anyway, before we shipped them out, we got a few photographs of our minis, and I’m only now getting around to posting them up.

Here they are:

As is often the case, there are some other angles available in the Garden Ninja Gallery.

Based on the Goblin Quest Books by Jim C. Hines. Goblin Quest, Goblin Hero and Goblin War are Copyright © Jim C. Hines 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 and used by permission of Jim C. Hines,

Based on the Mistborn books by Brandon Sanderson. Mistborn, Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages are copyright © Brandon Sanderson 2006, 2007, and 2008 used by permission of Brandon Sanderson,

Based on Schlock Mercenary by Howard Tayler, Sculpted by Melissa Mayhew. Schlock Mercenary Copyright Howard Tayler 2000-2009 and used by permission of Howard Tayler.