I’m back from Gencon, and it was quite a cool year. I’ll need a number of updates to talk about all of it, but here’s something to kick it off.
This year, I put a lot of effort into getting some good entries out for Gencon’s Masterclass painting competition- especially for my Dark Sword entry (I’ve been eyeing those big trophies Darksword hands out to their winners for a long time).
This year, I got to bring home their third place trophy (in front of me in the Dark Sword Competition were Michael Proctor and Jessica Rich).
And in the single figure category, I placed second to Marike Reimer, and actually beat Jessica’s entry (one of the judges told me that it came down to story telling against technical quality, so the different judges and criteria really mattered).
Anyway, I’m very happy to have placed above or on level with so many of my heroes.
Anyway, enough about that. Here is the entry:
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